

你知道什么时候不对劲. 当某人遇到麻烦或即将遇到麻烦时. You 我能帮你吗. Say something. Cause a distraction. 成为那个踏入的人 帮助别人摆脱困境.


We make every effort to minimize the amount of times that a reporting party and/or 投诉人需要描述所发生的事情. 我们的过程努力识别一个单一的 point of contact from the Equal Opportunity team that upon receipt of a report/complaint, serves as the initial point of contact and will likely be the individual to conduct 任何审查、评估和/或调查. 通过标题进行投诉的投诉人 IX Hearing will be required to also engage in the hearing, which means providing information to the Title IX Hearing Officer and responding to questions asked through the respondent’s Title IX Advisor.

You are still encouraged to report the misconduct and share any relevant information 与学院和/或当地执法部门合作. 学院会跟进你的, make sure that you are aware of appropriate on- and off-campus resources, and what 根据您提供的信息,您可以使用流程.

The College’s goal is not to get someone in trouble, but to respond to reports of Title IX Sexual Misconduct, eliminate the behavior, prevent its recurrence and address its effects. 在投诉人举报涉嫌不当行为的所有情况下,我们会 review the information available and work with the complainant to discuss options. In certain situations, which may include, but not limited to, instances where a formal 投诉是由投诉人提交的,学院可能需要采取行动 超出投诉人的要求. 这一行动的一部分可能包括纪律处分 action taken against another individual, which will involve holding the individual accountable for their behavior and taking steps to prevent this from happening again. In these limited circumstances, the College will notify the complainant of this action 并讨论接下来的程序.

你可以为别人报告信息. 然而,学院可能是有限的 in the support we are able to provide without speaking directly to the complainant, 谁是直接受事件影响的人.

The Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct policy applies to all Prohibited Conduct that occurs on campus (including the District Office, centers, and other property 由学院拥有或租用). 第九条性行为不端必须发生 作为学院在美国境内的教育计划或活动的一部分. This includes locations, events or circumstances over which the school exercises substantial control over the respondent and the context in which the alleged sexual harassment has occurred. 这包括任何由学生组织拥有或控制的建筑物 被学院正式认可的. 这些情况可以通过以下方式解决 《美高梅》6Hx28:2-01,歧视,骚扰 & 相关不当行为或其他适用政策.



Depending on the specific circumstances surrounding the concern, the college may apply supportive and/or interim protective measures that involve connection to external resources, assistance with academic classes, no-contact orders and transportation 投诉人提出的住宿要求. 这些请求应该通过 平等机会办公室,第九条协调员,或副协调员. Efforts 在任何可能的情况下,是否会履行这些要求.

You may select an advisor of your choice for any Title IX related meeting or hearing. If you do not select one, the college will provide a Title IX Advisor to you at no cost. 投诉人和答辩人均须附有标题 顾问参加第九条听证会. 请伸出手来 Title IX coordinator 有关此过程的其他信息.

在任何会议期间,你都可以有一位顾问陪同. 这个人可能是,也可能不是 在第九条听证会过程中也会在场的人. A Title IX Advisor is an individual, who may be an attorney, who is selected by either the Complainant or Respondent and is permitted to participate in the Title IX Misconduct process, 包括在现场听证会上进行交叉询问. 除了他们的角色 in cross-examination, this person will be a silent and nonparticipating presence who 在调查过程中单独观察并提供支持. If a party does not have an advisor present at the live hearing, the school must provide, without fee or charge to that party, an advisor of the school’s choice who may be, but is not required to be, an attorney to conduct cross-examination on behalf of that party.


The staff in the Equal Opportunity Office (including the Title IX Coordinator in cases involving allegations of Title IX Sexual Misconduct) who will be involved in the response 到报告时,将予以通知. 投诉人是否应决定进行正式诉讼 complaint through the college’s process to respond to reports of Title IX Sexual Misconduct, it is likely that a Title IX Investigator, Title IX Advisors, and the Title IX Hearing 警官可能会参与这个过程. 是否应该申请课堂就业 和/或交通住宿,将通知相应的办公室 提出住宿要求,但不告知投诉的细节. Other students who are not involved and other faculty/staff without a “need to know” role 没有被告知投诉. 此外,学院不通知媒体/新闻界 of the identity of students; however, faculty and staff identities may be revealed 在一份公共记录申请中.

The Title IX Coordinator/deputy Title IX coordinator can discuss any request for confidentiality 随时与投诉人面谈.

What happens if the complainant requests that their name be anonymous or ask that 学院没有采取任何行动?
如投诉人要求不向被投诉人披露其姓名,或 asks that the college not investigate or seek action against the respondent, the college will inform the complainant that honoring the request may limit its ability to respond fully to the incident, including pursuing disciplinary action against the respondent. 投诉人仍可采取支持性措施.

学院也会对此进行解释 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院政策6Hx28:2-01 includes protections against retaliation and that college officials will not only take steps to prevent retaliation, but will also take responsive action if it occurs. If the complainant still requests that their name is not disclosed to the respondent or that the college not investigate or seek action against the respondent, the college 会否考虑有关要求,并可能须驳回正式投诉. Supportive 投诉人仍可采取措施.


For conduct to fall within the scope of Title IX Sexual Misconduct certain criteria must be met. 例如,性行为不端必须发生在学院内部 program or activity, and must involve individuals currently participating in the College’s 教育项目或活动. 其他标准可在 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院政策6Hx28:2-01. Should this criteria not be met, the college may still address the alleged misconduct 在适用的政策和程序下.

更多信息请访问我们的网站 definitions within the policy.

What if I don’t want to see the person during the College’s process to address the misconduct?
Arrangements can be made during the process to allow for participants to participate through remote access locations or by providing partitions separating parties should 双方必须同时在同一地点.

是的,朋友可以扮演顾问的角色. Please review 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院政策6Hx28:2-01 有关顾问标准的信息.